Did you see us at EMEX 2024?

We hope you’re having (or had) a great show and thanks for visiting the EMMA AI website. We’ve added some quick links & contacts below.

EMMA AI Robot Zoe holding a shopping basket
EMMA AI Brochure

This site contains everything you hopefully need as an introduction to EMMA AI and it’s capabilities, but if you’d prefer something to read offline, the you can download our PDF “Introducing EMMA AI” brochure. We’ve also assembled a Professional Guide to energy usage in the Retail Sector, but there’s information contained within that’s usefull cross-sector.

Finally, You may have met Duncan or Jon (or both) at the show. If you’d like to get in touch with either to follow-up on a conversation, then please connect or reach out to them directly. Their contact details are below.

Jon Slinn

Jon Slinn

Head of Sales & Business Development

Duncan Everett

Duncan Everett

Managing Director
